Skyworth Engineering Technology
Cold Plasma Ion Generator

Skyworth equips residential air conditioners with a capable “Cold Plasma Ion Generator Filter”, a device that uses high voltage to electrically charge (ionize) air molecules. The result is air purification, since airborne particles are attracted to the electrode in a way similar to static electricity, practically trapping dust and other particles, as well as providing a feeling of air refreshment, since negative ions are proved to provide a feeling of energy enrichment.
Stepless Indoor unit DC Fan Motors

Skyworth DC Inverter air conditioners are equipped with a Global Patented technology for stepless fan control. This unique technology allows users to select the indoor fan speed between 99 different speeds. In essence you can chose on percentage basis, from 1% up to 100%, in other words from 99 speeds.
ALL DC Inverter Fan Motors

Skyworth DC Inverter air conditioners are equipped with the best industry Brushless DC (BLDC) fan motors, which contribute in the overall system efficiency. DC motors have lower power consumption and noise and sharp RPM control, delivering better results. Premium series incorporate BLDC motor n both the indoor and Outdoor unit, (ALL DC Inverter technology) allowing extensive energy saving and record energy efficiency.

I-Feel technology comes as standard for Delfin Series, a special technology in temperature monitoring. Instead of monitoring the preferred temperature at the position of installation, usually high on the wall, your air conditioner can monitor temperature at the remote control. So, by keeping it next to you, you can enjoy your preferred conditions wherever you are sitting.
Tehnologia Skyworth

WiFi Control
Skyworth group, known for its thriving experience in multimedia and technology, puts a lot of attention to users control. Delfin series comes with the option of Wifi Control, allowing you to control the unit from literally anywhere in the world there is an internet connection on your smartphone or tablet pc.
Skyworth S-Multi
S-multi A++ Series is a new Generation DC Inverter ERP Multi Free
Match system with maximum flexibility coming from a wide choice of compact outdoor units
and latest design universal indoor units for convenient and luxurious installation.
A perfect solution for luxury apartment and small office buildings.

Light Commercial
Seria tip Coloana podea Skyworth are un design nou, compact si elegant destinat utilizarii in spatii comerciale de dimensiuni medii. Este o solutie economica dar puternica si eficienta pentru nevoile spatiior comerciale. Seria este disponibila in variante de 48.000 BTU si 60.000 BTU si reprezinta o solutie durabila pentru spatiile de birouri sau din domeniul HORECA.